10 September 2009

Do You Prefer A Romance Book Review Or Book Rating Systems?

Everyone loves to read a good romance book and if you wish to find the best among many romance books it would require that you read up on a romance book review or two. The reason for this is that with so many authors and titles to choose from, buying a suitable romance book can prove to be a daunting task and rather than waste your money by picking a romance book based on your personal impressions, it would be a much better idea to base your decision on what you read in a romance book review.

Hooked On An Author

You can easily get hooked on a particular author, especially if they are able to write exceptional romance books and to learn which of their works the best are, you would need to read a romance book review. You will learn what the storyline of their romance books are by checking out its review, and if you are wondering where you will be able to find a romance book review, you can search among the many online review sites.

Some romance book review sites even use movie-style rating systems to grade different romance books and you can even be warned about certain books that are not up to the mark or which are more adult oriented. Readers actually prefer going by the sensuality rating regarding different romance books and are more satisfied with such ratings than gleaning information from a romance book review.

Essentially, the rating systems mimic the Blush Factor from several years ago and the ratings go according to how red your cheeks will get when reading a sensual and romantic book. Instead of contending you with a romance book review you may also find that book ratings are able to also point you in the proper direction. Some of the ratings you will come across include ‘subtle’, ‘kisses’, ‘warm’ and ‘hot’ and also ‘burning’.

Some of the books that are rated as burning include the Harlequin Blaze books as well as the Kensington Brava line of books and authors who are considered exceptional and who are often recommended in a romance book review include names such as Bertrice Small, Thea Devine and Susan Johnson. You can also learn about the ratings for popular teen romance novels which generally get a subtle rating and will in general not be rated as hot or burning.

If you come across a website that provides romance book reviews you can save yourself time searching manually for a title that interests you by using their search facilities that require specifying an author or a title. If a romance book review exists for the book or title that you requested you will then be taken to the review and then you can learn the good and bad about that book or author.


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