25 September 2009

How To Keep The Romance In A Marriage?

After long years of being married, you could be asking yourself, how you could keep the romance alive in your marriage. Well, good marriage takes a lot of effort, attention and tending, it does not just happen, but even if you have kept up a good relationship in your marriage, the everyday routine may be too much sometimes. Remember, how everything was novel and exciting when you first met, how even going to the store or walking down the street was a thrill? Well, this is a feeling that should not just disappear, you should work on bringing all the initial romance and love back to your marriage. And you can definitely learn something new about your spouse even after years, or try seeing him or her in a new light.

How To Keep The Romance? - Make Time For Yourselves

The biggest problem that makes you ask how to keep the romance alive is perhaps that you definitely do not have enough time for each other. When you were still young, you most probably had fewer responsibilities and no children. Now, with a stable job, children you have to care about, take to school, with the house to clean for example, you have much less free time. However, both partners have to realize that to keep the romance alive they have to make time for each other, not just on birthdays, or Valentine’s day, but on any ordinary day.

Have a night at least for example every week when you go out to eat, or for a movie, the two of you, preferably without the children. Have long conversations, as you used to have in the beginning of the relationship, try to find out your partner’s most intimate thoughts, cook for each other, and drink some wine. Try to find some hobbies you can do together. For example if both of you regard physical fitness important, you can go running together, or you can take up any extra classes together.

Another good tip if you want to know how to keep the romance in your marriage is to be spontaneous, impulsive, play together, sit down with each other and talk as excitedly as you used to. And if you are thinking that this is too much, all this must take up a lot of time, think of how much you want to keep the romance, and of how valuable your marriage or your partner is to you. Moreover, even little things, thoughtful remarks, compliments, loving notes should have their effect if you have absolutely no time to spend complete evenings or days together.

10 September 2009

Do You Prefer A Romance Book Review Or Book Rating Systems?

Everyone loves to read a good romance book and if you wish to find the best among many romance books it would require that you read up on a romance book review or two. The reason for this is that with so many authors and titles to choose from, buying a suitable romance book can prove to be a daunting task and rather than waste your money by picking a romance book based on your personal impressions, it would be a much better idea to base your decision on what you read in a romance book review.

Hooked On An Author

You can easily get hooked on a particular author, especially if they are able to write exceptional romance books and to learn which of their works the best are, you would need to read a romance book review. You will learn what the storyline of their romance books are by checking out its review, and if you are wondering where you will be able to find a romance book review, you can search among the many online review sites.

Some romance book review sites even use movie-style rating systems to grade different romance books and you can even be warned about certain books that are not up to the mark or which are more adult oriented. Readers actually prefer going by the sensuality rating regarding different romance books and are more satisfied with such ratings than gleaning information from a romance book review.

Essentially, the rating systems mimic the Blush Factor from several years ago and the ratings go according to how red your cheeks will get when reading a sensual and romantic book. Instead of contending you with a romance book review you may also find that book ratings are able to also point you in the proper direction. Some of the ratings you will come across include ‘subtle’, ‘kisses’, ‘warm’ and ‘hot’ and also ‘burning’.

Some of the books that are rated as burning include the Harlequin Blaze books as well as the Kensington Brava line of books and authors who are considered exceptional and who are often recommended in a romance book review include names such as Bertrice Small, Thea Devine and Susan Johnson. You can also learn about the ratings for popular teen romance novels which generally get a subtle rating and will in general not be rated as hot or burning.

If you come across a website that provides romance book reviews you can save yourself time searching manually for a title that interests you by using their search facilities that require specifying an author or a title. If a romance book review exists for the book or title that you requested you will then be taken to the review and then you can learn the good and bad about that book or author.

01 September 2009

Romance Books Are About Deep Attachments, And Many Impediments To True Love

Romance books are all about deep attachments between the hero and heroine who are often caught in a web of deep love though something or somebody always plays the spoilsport and ruins things till they are able to overcome these impediments and achieve true and everlasting love in the end. The best example of a romance book is however found in works of literature rather than in fiction and Shakespeare perhaps wrote the most erotic of all romance books.

Feelings Of Deep Love

A good romance book will show the main protagonists expressing their feelings and love for each other and these feelings need to be communicated by the author with depth and clarity. It must contain shared feelings between the hero and heroine and there must never be lack of trust. Once a reader gets started with reading a romance book, he or she should be made to develop a physical as well as overpowering craving to read the book end to end.

Some of the better romance books are what are called ‘Keepers’ or those books to which readers become so attached to that they would never dream of parting with them and will in fact, read them over and over again. Such books could mean so much to readers that they will not stop reading these books even if they are cooking food and so have ended up ruining many dishes because they had become so engrossed in the book that they forgot all sense of time.

Some romance books have a very powerful effect on the reader that leads to them becoming totally immersed in what is taking place in the plot and so, they forget the outside world for a short space of time and turn a deaf ear to the pleas of other family members who keep requesting that the book be put down.

Of course, not every romance book that you will come across will be a ’Keeper’ because many are no better than ‘duds’, though once a person has read numerous romance books, it can make their expectations soar and that means that they will settle for nothing but the best.

The best romance novels are things of personal taste though many of them are drawn from Western culture and are mostly read in the English speaking parts of the world.

The better the romance book is, the harder it is to put it down and only exhaustion or sleep will make the reader quit reading the book. It is also very easy to get hooked to such books and some people even have spent hours surfing the Internet looking for new and recommended romance books. The addiction however is not dangerous and by laying your hands on a well written book you can be assured of enjoying many hours of happy reading.